Friday, January 10, 2014

Nic & Kara Moseley


This post is long over due and my apologies to all my friends and supporters for not getting this out to you sooner. I'm just starting to get settled in my new place and have already started working at the Open Door here in Montreal. Here is a synopsis of what has happened from the beginning and who has made it happen for me to be here. I will be sending out more posts about the people that have helped make all this possible.

About two months before heading off to Montreal, I still hadn't found a sponsor to help me with donations and funding. I also was asked during a meeting with my pastor if I would have a state-side address while I would be in Canada. I decided to pray about it during the following week. God had answered my prayer within days;  Nic & Kara Moseley contacted me and wanted to know if I had a state-side address and offered their address.

Thank you Nic & Kara Moseley for allowing me to use your address as my home base in the United States, without it I wouldn't be able to maintain a bank account which helps me greatly with funding and bills made to my US accounts. The Moseley's are also helping me ship my personal belongings up to Canada.