Saturday, July 12, 2014

Trainings that have helped me serve those in need in Montreal

Since being with The Open Door, I have had the opportunity to participate in several training programs, all of which have helped me understand and work more effectively with the population that frequents The Open Door.

·        In February, I attended a training seminar on helping and protecting vulnerable adults similar to the clients we serve at the Open Door.

·        In March, I participated in a two-day Motivational Interviewing course, in which I learned a basic therapeutic approach for helping clients strengthen their motivation and commitment to change by exploring their own argument for their change. Rachel Green, Ph.D. is a psychologist, counsellor and Motivational Interviewing workshop facilitator, as well as the founder of dancing gecko
·        In May, I attended a training session called “Aboriginal Awareness”, based on the needs of the First Nations population (Native Indigenous people of Canada, similar to the Native Americans of the US). I learned about their history in Canada, how the Catholic and Anglican Churches tried to incorporate the western belief systems into their culture, and practical ways to best respect and treat them as a unique sector of the population. This training was held at the Native Friendship Centre of Montreal Inc.
The Native Friendship Centre of Montreal (NFCM) has provided continuous quality services to the urban Aboriginal population of Montreal and their families and is the only comprehensive service and referral point in the Greater Montreal Area (GMA) in relation to health, social services, legal, orientation/information, education, training, and employment referral for those migrating to or through the city including those from across Quebec, Canada, and the Americas.

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